
Daisie is MY cat and I love her to death! She's Potty trained and Loves to chase around our other two cats. She also loves to try and eat me. She is literally the best pet & cat I could ever have, and I could not possibly imagine my life without her!
Favorite Food: Waffles.


This is Maggie, My Dad's Cat. She was the only girl in her litter, and when she was a baby, She tried to meow, but nothing came out. She's Very Fluffy and likes to talk to people. And Snore. She snores very loud. She's very friendly and loves blankets, AND jingily toys. Otherwise, not much else is known about this mystery kitty!


Mozart was a GIRL cat and was named after the MALE composer Mozart. My dad was just kidding around with the name, but Mom was taking him seriously, so the name just stuck. Mozart was just about 2 months shy of 16 years old before she passed of a whole bunch of cancers. She was an amazing & beautiful cat that I will always love.  


Buritto was a Gerbil for everyone who thinks he is a hamster!!! In 4th grade, My science class had 2 pet gerbils. 2 students got to take 1 home for the summer. I asked my parents, and they reluctantly agreed. So, We came home the 2nd to last day of school with a gerbil cage in our car. That Gerbil's name was Ben. Sadly, Ben Died in April of 2008. Around June, for me & my cat's birthday, We adopted Buritto. It took us 8 pet stores to find him, But we found him. He lived a great 3 years for our family, and sadly passed away February 25th, 2011.