Ariana Jane

Birthday: July 11, 200
Ariana is my Unique Coded baby I recieved in my Jewel case that I bought off of for $33 (American Money, if you live somewhere else). She loves to play with the big white bear and the Dolls with her sisters. Ariana is definitley one of my Favorite little girls!

Berri Nicole

Birthday: January 28, 2010
Berri was hexed by Gry, Credits go to Sharon & Jen for the eyeshine & her Ponytails. Berri is one of the most Rambunctios of the bunch- One time she even managed to knock down her brother's Block Tower while she continued to stack her tower to almost the top! But, even though she can sometimes be a bit bad, You gotta admit she's pretty darn Cute! So how can you NOT love her?

Chloe Elise

Birthday: ???? ?? ????
Chloe looks like a growing babyz...right? WRONG! I recently discovered, she isn't, and will always be small. But that doesn't matter! I Love little Chloe big or small! Her sisters love to play with her and so do her brothers!

Dylan Elvis

Birthday: September 28, 2009 (I think...)
Dylan is one of those Boys who are always trying to act cool around the girls... and Mommy! If you don't give him his shades, then he will start to cry-Not Kidding!! But I guess if the Dylan-Man is happy, well...Mommy's happy too!

Frankie Allisa and Farra Amanda

Birthday: August 22nd, 2010
These two little angels are coded babyz I got off peekabooz two. Not to have favoritisim, but these are not only some of the cutest twins, but the most sister-ly of them all too! They love to give smiles at each other and play in a 'band' together! Farra, is probably the nicer of the two, because she gets along with everyone, meanwhile, Frankie, is more of the loner who only gets along well with Farra. Frankie is in the Pink Bow, And Farra is in the breathing tube & hat. The Breathing Tube can g=be downloaded from Carolyn's!

Hope Faith & Faith Hope

Birthday: October 24, 2009 (???)
These two Twinz were donated & hexed by Gry. They were Downsized from their original home after living in their new home for just a few months. I don't know who would ever want to downsize these two from their family, because they are some of the most lovable sisters in the world...And the most identical in the world...  

Heidi Adriena

Birthday: ???? ?? ????
I Can't believe I forget where I got Heidi from...But I know it was another Babyz website...Anyway, Little Heidi is one of the most caring babyz I've ever known. Once, When one of her siblings were crying, she crawled right on over to them and sat there next to them. Heidi is another favorite of mine!

Isacc Albert & Naomi Amiee

Birthday: November 9, 2009
Naomi & Isacc were both hexed by Gry, Using Hair BMP's from Milkshake. Naomi's Hair is the 1st time Gry has ever used that kind of hair...:)
Anyway, This Pair of Kiddoz are always smiling at each other and playing with each other. AND both of them are very Posey and love it when I take pictures of them!

Lilliana Karri

Birthday: January 12th, 2010

Lilliana is a grower babyz downloaded from Hexies Galore and She is currently my 2nd Grower. She's Really playful and may seem nice, but deep under her adorable smile is an evil little babyz who throws her pea mush. Lilliana and Chloe get along great the most, which figures because they're about the same height ;-)

James Wilson

Birthday: August 11, 2009
James is one of the Babyz you can adopt by clicking the button on the toolbar that takes you to the page where you can adopt from a selection. I just trimmed him down using Petza so he didn't look as Chunky...But I would still love him even if he WAS chunky...

Jilliana Ana

Birthday: November 4, 2009
Jilliana was hexed by Gry, using Jane & Jen's BMP's. I also got to see her as a blonde, but I preffered to see her as a reddish-head babyz.  Jilliana is really kind and doesn't dislike any of her siblings- It figures because she's very outgoing!

Junie Mae

Birthday: September 24th, 2010
Junie was hexed by Gry, and she's my newest baby to date! She's very unique and is very friendly and bubbly. She loves to steal her sibling's cookies, though....she probably gets that from Me ;-)

Katie Kari

Birthday: ???? ?? ????
Katie is a Baby in the form of a Neopet- A Kacheek to be exact. She's very different from her siblings, but little Katie is quite a Joy to have! I got her from Cotton Candy Babyz, the 2nd Page on Hexed Babyz. I Love her to death even if she is different!

Kyra Kaylee

Birthday: February 1, 2010
Kyra is from Hexies Galore & she's one of the most wacky babyz you'll ever meet! Kyra is always trying to make a funny face or make the other Babyz laugh! Kyra's Glasses were Downloaded from
Kyra Loves People! That's my final word about Kyra! ;)

Lucy Lucile

Birthday: January 20, 2010
Lucy was a coded baby i found on peekabooz-two. I was just trying out codes and getting a peak at babyz w/ codes when I stumbled apon little Lucy. She's quite a talkative little kiddo...She's managed to say 7 or 8 words almost perfect. Hey...I luv lucy!

Mallory Candice

Birthday: September 25, 2009
Mallory was Hexed by Gry, as a freebie download to everyone. Mallory loves to play dress-Up with her sisters & brothers and loves to act! She also really loves the Tiger suit!

Mia Violete

Birthday: July 29, 2009
Mia was adopted from Hexies Galore and I must admit she is definitely an awesome baby to have crawling around my virtual house. Mia Loves to play Bunny (a game where you dress up in the bunny suit & crawl around the yard) and she loves the drums a whole lot!

Mitzy Liza

Birthday: February 25, 2010

Mitzy was my very 1st grower, and I love her to pieces! At first, I didn't think I would adopt her, but then, I realized: Why not? She became "full grown" on April 30, 2010. I'm very proud of myself ;)
Mitzy wins the prize for cutest poses ever! She takes some of the best pictures in the whole family!

Nelly Katerina

Birthday: October 24, 2009
Nelly was hexed by Gry as well, Credits go to Jane for her BMP. And Nelly's Ponytails were a code made by Sharon. Nelly is the perfect little Gumdrop to have around my virtual home. She's happiest playing in the garden (as you can see from her picture!) Or when she's taking a nap in her crib!

Sadie Sandy

Birthday: ???? ?? ????
Ok...Out of all the pictures of my family that I have, THIS ONE is my favorite, for two reasons. 1- It's really cute/funny, and 2- It shows what a goofball little Sadie is! She's always trying to make her brothers and sisters laugh, which is why her and Kyra are constantly having Rivalry between each other!

Spencer Olive

Birthday: February 16th, 2011
Spencer Was hexed by Gry, and I will admit is one of my favorites! (Don't tell the other babyz!) She loves to pose, and smile, and play with the carebear toys I downloaded from a Babyz Fan Site. Spencer loves all her siblings and is an extremley happy baby!

Taylor Kailin, Tayla Kalyn, and Tayka Kaiylnn

Birthday: ???? ?? ????
Taylor, Tayla, and Tayka were downloaded from Hexies Galore, And they aren't official triplets, but I like to consider them because of how close they each look alike!
Taylor is very sweet and caring and is very hard to upset, while Tayla is almost the exact opposite! She's got quite a temper and is easiest to anger, but does have a sensitive and sweet side, and Tayka is more like Taylor, with all the sweetness and gentleness. The One think that makes Tayka a bit diffrent is that she loves having her picture taken!