preschool starts in 3 days and im really sad because Zach isn't in my class this year. BUT i saw him at Ariana's birthday party and we were bouncing in the bounce house with the other kids and we had lots of fun!
Bounce houses are cool and all but they should be at preschools because preschool recess gets boring after a few days with just swings and slides and jungle gyms! But I'm also excited for preschool because this year Tayla and Taylor are coming now because they're old enough now!
Well, I'm hungry and I want to go play outside with my siblings! Bye!
i like may because it's nice & happy and it's like the ONLY spring month. march is cold and still a little snowy. April is warmer and there's easter too, but it rains too much. May is nice & happy & warm and in may there's only 1 more month until no more school! yay! i mean i like preschool but it can get boring sometimes. like today we did subtraction and i don't like subtraction at all! so today it was boring. You know what else is boring? Having to be quiet when your other siblings are sleeping. Because You can't do anything else besides read a boring baby book. I hate baby books, they just have letters & colors & stupid pictures- Like Apples & babies. I wish I was a normal Baby. I don't like having a blue tail. Its ugly & boring &...I just wanna look normal. I'll tell you who's not normal though- Dylan! He always wears those glasses and they make him look ug- mommy! I'll stop right now. (ok, maybe I won't. Dylan is really u- OK fine mommy I'll stop right....NOW!!!)
my name is katie! I live with my mommy & siblings. I don't have a daddy because i was adopted into the family by mommy. I love my mommy very much. I also love my brothers & sisters too! So i made them these cards for valentines day!
aren't they nice? i love my mommy & brothers & sisters very much! we're having a valentine's day party at daycare on monday, since valentine's day is on a sunday. i don't  have daycare on sundays. at daycare, i like this one boy. his name is Zach and he's really nice to me. I'm going to give him this card:
Zach is always doing things for one time, we were playing cars and i really wanted to be the pretty purple car and he let me be the pretty purple car. And another time, I was coloring, but my crayon box was missing a purple crayon so he let me use his. And one time, me & Ariana were playing farm animals together, and i was the horse since i have a tail and she was the chicken since she didn't and then while we were playing a bully who was in the kindergarten class came & stepped on my tail but then when i started crying Zach came over to me and gave me his purple lollipop to make me feel better.

I wish i was purple. I don't like to be blue & white. i wish i was like, purple & pink or something because i don't really like the color blue.

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